The natural way to whiten the face skin

The natural way to whiten the face skin - How Traditional or herbal still be an option for many people to be used as a treatment option for the treatment or care of the body including the skin in order to look healthy. Natural or traditional ways are still chosen because of risk experienced when using traditional means less compared to using products that are mixed with chemicals of unknown composition therein. Therefore this time healthy daily will give you some tips on how to whiten skin naturally.

The natural way to whiten the face skin
The natural way to whiten the face skin
The natural way to whiten the face skin 

Have white skin and clean of course can increase the confidence of everyone, moreover, has a white face and clean can be the perception that the person has a healthy skin. Facial skin health is still an important concern for most people both men and women because of course everyone wants to look at faces white and clean.

In order to have white skin and also face clean of course, must be treated fairly routine, good and true given the outcome was not in vain to create new looks cleaner and healthier. Below are some natural ways that you can do to perform maintenance on your skin:

1. The first way that can be used as an alternative to whiten the face naturally is to use tea, honey, and rice flour. Now from this type of material has the properties of each of them rice flour which will be used as a scrub that make skin soft, good for moisturizing honey and tea as well as a material that serves to relax the face.

Manner of manufacture is also very easy as quoted from First make a cup of tea that is not too thick and let it cool down by itself, next step to prepare the rice flour is about 2 tablespoons and 1/2 tablespoon of honey. After that, then all the ingredients and stir until well mixed leaves no clumps of flour. Then use the face by applying for 20 minutes. While waiting for about 20 minutes with a mask attached to massage the face with circular movements and gentle. If it has been 20 minutes and then wash the skin with water.

2. The second way is by using natural materials using papaya. For facial skin looks bright white and clean it can also use the papaya fruit. Of course, the use of papaya has a good benefit for the body and skin. Compared with the use of chemicals of course better to use traditional means such as papaya. This recommendation we got from blog that provides recommendations papaya as a natural ingredient for treating facial kuam and also black.

How to use is also very easy that is by regularly consuming papaya fruit every day. Portion does not have much, could consume half of a medium-sized papaya, papaya fruit is eaten every day in the morning. By consuming papaya every day then it helps detoxify the body while also aid digestion. So that by consuming papaya then the blood will be clean and the skin will appear healthier.

3. The third way can take advantage of turmeric and tomatoes as well as natural ingredients to whiten skin using natural ingredients. Turmeric is a natural substance that has long been believed to have a nutrient content is good for the health of both the body and the skin. Even at the first time of turmeric is consumed directly by women. While the tomatoes because it has a water content that is pretty much chosen and used as material for facial skin care because it is considered safer and of course natural that can be used everyday.

Usage ways: First, prepare turmeric measuring about 1 centimeter then washed with water and then grated turmeric until smooth. After grated turmeric grated result is left somewhat dry for 5 minutes. Then use 1 tomato that has a large enough size and blender without added water. Once the tomatoes in a blender and mix the two ingredients and mix well before.
Use this mixture to the face mask to rub evenly. Olesannya can also be a bit thicker so many are absorbed into the skin. Let the smear is fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, wipe it clean with warm water.

4. The fourth way is to use a material that is slightly different but still uses natural ingredients to whiten the face of such materials is the lemon peel and orange peel. Perhaps many have heard about the efficacy of orange peel to repel mosquitoes, now in addition to repel mosquitoes peel from citrus fruits and even other fruits have many benefits which can of course be dimanfatkan particular orange peel and lemon peel is also useful to make face to be brighter ,
Manufacture blend of natural ingredients that are very easy digunakanpun first thing to do is to grate the orange peel and lemon peel until smooth. Then dried for 2 hours by using sunlight. is not recommended to use the microwave, because drying results by using sunlight and microwave are very different.

Once dried using sunlight then mix the powdered orange peel or lemon dry with pure milk liquid, and then rubbed on the face until evenly distributed. Wait about 20 minutes later after 20 minutes could directly be cleaned using warm water. Then dry with a soft towel and wipe the face with toner.

5. Apart from the above there is also a fourth way how to whiten the face using other natural materials, namely by using jicama. The yam mask has been trusted by generations can brighten the skin. This is evidenced by the number of bleach production using basic ingredients yam. In addition, by using the native jicama very efficacious whitening face and also harmless.

Ways of making masks was very easy yam, yam prepare the first course that has been peeled and been washed clean, then grated yam and then squeezed the water. Here that will be used is the water so that the waste is disposed. The juice can be placed in a container such as a glass or other container that is clear. The yam and then let stand about 30 minutes so it will appear to have sediment at the bottom of the container. In the clear water above the sediment was discarded and leaving the white bottom.

After that clean the face, apply a white precipitate had on the face and neck to be evenly using a brush mask, and let stand until dry. Usually dengen use bengukuang on this face will feel fresh sensation. If the mask is applied to the face had already dried up in the face of subsequent wash with cold water and then dry your face with a towel. This treatment can be done in one week at the time of the face may feel tired after doing various activities.

Good luck hopefully article how to whiten skin naturally using traditional herbal ingredients and beneficial.

How to whiten yellow teeth naturally and fast

How to whiten yellow teeth naturally and fast , Tooth became one important organ in the human body which have a function as a destroyer of food. If not treated properly, as rarely brushing teeth, while the teeth every day used to chew food, it will cause various problems in the teeth. Issues that arise include teeth become yellow, crusty even if rarely treated teeth can decay and damage. If the damage is not severe enough, it would be easy of course be easily fixed teeth back. But if the already severe may be longer handle even your teeth at risk repealed and affect the health of other organs.

Teeth become yellow and not white is a trend that is still classified as dental problems are not severe enough, however, if this condition is left, in addition to damaging the appearance of your smile, your teeth can be damaged even more severe. If left teeth are yellow in color will be more conspicuous and does not seem clean. Therefore, routine dental care into things you must do if you want your teeth to function properly and maintain the appearance of your smile.

Dental care, to prevent yellowing teeth and maintain dental hygiene by brushing teeth usually regularly after meals and before bed. However, if it already has a yellow You can also use natural ingredients traditionally formulated to whiten the teeth yellow. Fast or slow whiten teeth in a natural way depends on how it is used.

Natural Ways to Whiten Yellow Teeth Below are some natural ways to whiten yellow teeth so you can smile back to cling! Consider the following description!

1. Using Strawberries
Strawberries are one of the main types of fruit that has a good taste and can be useful to make teeth appear whiter and fade the color yellow. How to use the first strawberries with smoothing routine then rub-rub strawberries on your teeth every day so the whitening effect of strawberries make teeth whiter. Notice! after doing it this way, you need to brush their teeth clean so that the sugar content existing on the teeth can be lost.

2. Using Baking Soda
Baking soda can be used to whiten teeth, how to mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda with one tablespoon of water. Then stirred up into a thick paste. You can use this paste for brushing teeth. Notice! do not use this way every day because it can erode the enamel on the teeth. You just do it once a week.

3. Using Banana Skin
Banana peel can also be used to whiten teeth yellow, you can peel a banana and then take the skin. Use the banana peel, then rub-rub for two to five minutes on the teeth. Then let stand a few minutes then wipe your teeth by brushing your teeth. This way you can do one to two weeks to get the maximum results.

4. Using Toothbrush 30 Minutes After eating
There are many people who have the habit of brushing teeth immediately after eating. However, you can wait up to 30 minutes after eating, especially if andam eat sweet or sour foods. This is because brushing teeth immediately after eating, especially foods that are sweet or sour sugar or despair can restore the the teeth.

5. Using Leaves Greeting
Bay leaves can be used as a tooth whitener. How to use it is also very easy that is by smoothing bay leaves until smooth. Then you can mix dried orange peel and has been refined. Use a little water and mix to a paste, then you can use it as peutih teeth.

6. Using Orange Skin
Jeruka skin is one of the main natural ingredient which can be useful to whiten teeth. You can use the white side or the inside of the orange peel and rub on your teeth Selema several times a day so that your teeth appear whiter. However, because oranges contain vitamin C, the teeth will be sensitive to the manner.

7. Using Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables including apples, carrots and celery also helps in whitening your teeth. Fruits and vegetables have good function to clean teeth without damaging the enamel of your teeth part.

8. Using Lemon
How to whiten teeth more yellow is to use lemon. Lemon juice has citric acid content which can function as a natural bleach your teeth. Meraciknya way is also quite easy, first prepare a piece of lemon that you can then use to brush their teeth with the lemon slice.

9. Using Mustard Oil and salt for Brush Teeth
You can also use mustard oil and salt is used once a month. Brushing teeth using mustard oil and salt is believed to assist in cleaning food colors and plaque that sticks to your teeth. Use your fingers to brush their teeth with this material or you can also use a cotton swab to clean the teeth.

How to Whiten Yellow Teeth Naturally above can have an effect sooner or even later, but if done as recommended by the right then sooner or later your teeth will be whiter and do not appear flashy yellow again. Once your teeth whiter, do routine maintenance on your teeth to stay healthy, strong and clean so that the teeth can function well.

The use of natural materials is very helpful in whitening teeth, especially those who frequently consume fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots and foods that have benefits for cleaning teeth. Also do not forget to maintain the health of your teeth by brushing your teeth after meals and before bed to keep your teeth white, clean and healthy.

Thank you for reading the article a natural way to whiten teeth yellow, you can read more health articles on the site HarianSehat.Com as updated health information provider's site.

How to cure toothache naturally

How to cure toothache naturally, Disorders of the mouth of one of them is a toothache. Many have become the cause of why someone is exposed toothache. Several factors such as damage to the teeth and around the teeth, such as irritation of the tooth root, cracked tooth syndrome, dental erosion, and other disturbances in dental cavities.

Toothache can happen to a variety of ages, from children, adults and elderly. Toothache course will interfere with activities of daily routine. If toothache befall a person would be tortured can not sleep, not tasty drink. Consuming foods also became unwell. But of course, eating should remain a mandatory activity that should not be overlooked despite being toothache because the body needs nutrition. Even in certain conditions can lead to tooth pain swollen gums.

Teeth are one of the main important organ to soften the food which is then digested by digestion. Also actually have protective gear to prevent damage to the tooth, called the enamel. However, if the habit of consuming too much sweet and actions such as brushing teeth regularly ignored then still be perforated teeth. So for fans of all-sweet foods must be careful. Sweet foods are usually much-loved and can damage the teeth are brown, sweet cakes, sweets and many other sweet foods.

Below is how to treat toothache by using natural ingredients. Neither children nor adults can try using natural ingredients traditionally below to cure toothache. The use of natural materials below can only treat quickly or even somewhat slow. Natural materials below are cheap and very easy to get around your neighborhood. Consider the following description!

1. Garlic
Garlic is one of the main natural ingredients are easily available and one of the main properties that can heal the pain of cavities. Garlic has long been used as a natural ingredient for treating some diseases (read: the benefits of garlic) If used to treat toothache, it is very easy, by smoothing a clove of garlic and mix a little salt in garlic that has been crushed terbut. Then a mixture of garlic and salt is chewed right in the cavities until toothache disappeared. After doing this way, you can use a mixture of warm water and salt to gargle. The use of garlic as a drug because garlic has anti-bacterial properties and can kill germs on the teeth, in addition to the garlic is very easy to obtain.

2. Lime
Lime juice into other natural materials that can be used to cure toothache. In addition to the content of vitamin C which is in lemon, natural materials also dappat relieve pain in toothache. How to use was very easy that is by using lemon juice, then water persan used sparingly. Then the juice is dilumurkan in cavities taste every 10-15 minutes. You can do this way until the pain caused by toothache disappeared.

3. Cloves
The content of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidants and anesthesia can help reduce toothache. It is very easy that is by dropping a bit of clove oil using a cotton swab and then placed on the tooth that hurts. You also can use a glass filled clove oil and use it to rinse.

4. Onion
Natural substances to treat the next gear is onion. Kansungan onion has anti-microbial and anti-septic that can be used to control a toothache. Use of the onions were still raw and then chew a few moments to relieve toothache. However, if you can not chew it could use a slice of raw onion which is then smeared on the aching tooth. By using red onions can kill germs that can cause infkesi in the mouth.

5. Pepper
Pepper can be used when the teeth become more sensitive. You can use the pepper and salt with the same amount then you mix it with a few drops of water so that it becomes a paste. Then you can use this paste as a pain reliever teeth by applying on the tooth that is sore and didamkan for several minutes. The use of this way you can use on a regular basis in a few days to overcome the pain of cavities.
Above is a way of treating toothache naturally using traditional natural materials. Of course this kind of treatment only to relieve pain caused by problems that exist in the teeth. For further treatment of the more serious dental problems, you naturally can consult with specialists.

How to cure toothache naturally
In addition to the above natural ingredients, there are many more natural ingredients that are effective to treat toothache that pain in your teeth can be reduced. Caution against the use of drugs that have been made and sold in the market, many drugs that do not have a permit from BPOM and feared hazardous to your health if consumed. So the use of materials Natural treatment for toothache can be selected and you can use to cure your toothache. In fact, not only tooth pain but many other diseases can also disembuhakan by using natural ingredients that are still using the traditional method of processing.

Umpteen information on how to naturally treat toothache, you can read various articles about healthy lifestyles, use of natural materials that are used to maintain a healthy body and other health information on our site. We wish a speedy recovery, maintain your health. Healthy greetings!

The food is the cause of high blood Pressure

The food is the cause of high blood Pressure

The food is the cause of high blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure or have a family history of this disease, you should avoid foods that can hinder your ability to lower your blood pressure. As well as avoiding foods that cause high blood aims to relieve symptoms or to maintain normal blood pressure to always.

1. Salt and sodium (sodium) is a bad thing when consumed for patients with high blood pressure and heart disease. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that people with hypertension or prehypertension should limit sodium intake of about 1,500 mg per day.

2. Pizza. All pizzas can be bad for those who harys keep their sodium intake. The combination of cheese, meat, tomato sauce, and bread in it to make pizza is rich in sodium. But the frozen pizza is very dangerous for people with hypertension. To keep the flavor in the pizza after it is cooked, manufacturers often add a lot of salt. The thicker crust and the more toppings on the pizza, the higher the number of sodium contained there in.

3. Canned food, although is one type of food that is very easy to cook, but contain very high levels of sodium. Should examine the labels on canned food and looking for a low-sodium or sodium content of her.

4. Sugar. You probably already know that excessive sugar intake has been linked to increased cases of weight gain and obesity. But did you know that a high sugar intake is also associated with high blood pressure? Especially in drinks with artificial sweeteners, contributes to obesity in all ages. High blood pressure is more common in people who are overweight or obese.

5. Saturated fats and trans. Examples of foods high in saturated fat are: chicken skin, full cream milk, red meat (cattle and goats), and butter. While trans fats are created in a process called hydrogenation. Trans fats are found naturally in small amounts in fatty meats and dairy products. However, the biggest contributor of trans fat comes from processed foods using hydrogenated cooking oil. According to the CDC, consuming too much saturated fat and trans fats will increase the bad cholesterol (LDL) you. High LDL cholesterol can aggravate your hypertension, and ultimately can lead to the development of coronary heart disease. So should you have to remember the saturated and trans fats is one of the causes of high blood foods that you should avoid.

6 . Coffee. If you have high blood pressure or prehypertension, it might be time to reduce the habit of drinking coffee. because it can cause a spike in blood pressure. In fact, any caffeinated beverages can cause an increase in high blood pressure.

7. Alcohol. When it comes to have high blood pressure, alcohol is a double-edged sword. This means that when consumed in small amounts it can lower your blood pressure. But when we are drinking too much alcohol will increase blood pressure, even to those who drank only occasionally. According to the Mayo Clinic occasionally consume 2-3 glasses of alcohol can increase blood pressure for a while, and when to drink 2-3 glasses of alcohol repeatedly or regularly it will lead to high blood pressure problems for the long term. Besides alcohol also can make blood pressure medications that we drink become less effective. Alcohol is also high in calories that can lead to weight gain. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to have high blood pressure.

8. Pickles, because it is made with a mixture of vinegar, sugar and salt so high in sodium, so it should also should not be consumed too much.
For those of you who have high blood pressure or prehypertension, research has shown that you can reduce high blood pressure by eating a healthy diet. A healthy diet emphasizing protein, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and fruits and vegetables. With the strategy for implementing high blood loss diet, it can help you to prevent spikes in blood pressure and may even reduce your blood pressure.

And do not forget to reduce or even avoid these types of foods cause high blood described above. And the most important thing to remember is people with high blood pressure should not reduce the size of the meal, but were emphasized in choosing healthy foods for the body.

Powerful Ways to Prevent High Blood Pressure Causes of Stroke

Powerful Ways to Prevent High Blood Pressure, high blood pressure or hypertension cases is the case in many people, but the majority of them are unaware that they have high blood pressure. In fact, hypertension is called the 'silent killer'. And according to data from the WHO (World Health Organization) cases of high blood pressure occurs at least one of three people besides, many are unaware that they suffer from high blood pressure.

As a result of high blood pressure or hipetensi can cause heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease and heart failure. In many countries increasing cases of hypertension due in large part because many foods that have a high salt content, and the problem of obesity has also become one of the main causes.

How To Prevent High Blood Pressure Causes of Stroke

Powerful Ways to Prevent High Blood Pressure Causes of Stroke

With the advent of more and more cases of high blood pressure so early prevention measures rather than treatment course is highly recommended. If you can get used to regulate a healthy lifestyle and eating regular, high blood pressure can be prevented as early as possible. You can do some of the following ways to lower high blood pressure, see description below as reported by the healthMeUp ..

1.) Reduce Salt
One of the main ways to prevent high blood pressure that is by limiting the intake of salt in food so that high blood pressure in the body can be controlled and to those who have not been exposed to high blood pressure, this is one of the main steps that must be done if you do not want exposed to high blood pressure. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends for restricting sodium intake to 2000 mg, or the equivalent of one teaspoon of salt per day. Other than that, you should be aware of the amount of the salt content of various foods processed and packaged food products.

2) Consumption of Potassium
Potassium or potassium could actually help in lowering blood pressure. Generally everyone is advised to consume as much as 3,510 mg of potassium each day. You can find a variety of food which is the source of potassium, such as beans, peanuts, the types of fruits potassium contained in the palm fruit, banana, papaya, in the kinds of vegetables potassium found in spinach, cabbage, and many other sources of potassium in various vegetables and other fruits as well.

3) Modification of Diet
In menjaalankan diet, you might as well do the prevention of high blood pressure that is by reducing the variety of minimally processed foods and consume up to five servings of fruits and vegetables that mengadnung fiber. In addition of course, you should reduce foods that contain a lot of salt. You are encouraged to consume more fruits and vegetables are low in sodium and rich in potassium so that blood pressure can be lowered, besides avoiding fatty foods and a kind of fried food.

4.) Maintain Weight
In general, people who have high blood pressure have conditions of excess weight. By losing weight, could help also in lowering blood pressure. And many people who believe that most people who are overweight eat the higher the risk of high blood pressure.

5.) Sports
From time to time, if a person continues in a state of mind that stress and suppress usually can make blood pressure go up. Therefore, exercise is one of the main ways to prevent and control of high blood pressure. You should have adequate rest periods, deep breathing, meditation, yoga and exercise at least 30 minutes a day so that the mind to relax and avoid stress. Exercise can also do walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming.

Above are some Powerful Ways to Prevent High Blood Pressure, you can begin to get used to the habit above, so avoid high blood pressure or hypertension. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important because not only hypertension can be prevented, but a variety of other diseases. Consuming a balanced nutrition, regular exercise and rest a few healthy lifestyle that must be done each day to keep your body in a healthy state.

How To Prevent High Blood Pressure
Especially now that hypertension does not view age, hypertension often dikatikan first parent with the disease. But now the teen years can also be affected by hypertension, had nothing to do with age only increasing the risk of a person's age, the risk of hypertension is great labih. A person can be said to be affected by hypertension when blood pressure is normal daiatas or 120/80. Therefore in order to avoid hypertension then precautionary measures should be done as early as possible.

Thank you for visiting the article titled Powerful Ways to Prevent High Blood Pressure may be useful and can provide information on how the prevention of hypertension is a health problem. You can also read other articles and subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest articles each week or can be read directly other health information directly on our site. Keep always your health, and healthy regards!

Symptoms of hypertension

Symptoms of Disease Hypertension - High blood pressure, or better known as hypertension is a disease commonly experienced by most people. Hypertension is a serious disease because one of the main impact on the health of the body, even hypertension can be the cause of several other serious illnesses, such as heart failure, heart attack, kidney failure, and stroke. According to Dr. Kanchit Limpakarnjanarat, which is the WHO Representative to Indonesia said that 1.5 million people in Southeast Asia die each year due to hypertension.

Characteristics of Hypertension Disease Symptoms
Many people who consider hypertension or high blood pressure as a trivial disease, but should you have to be vigilant because of hypertension or high blood pressure symptoms are often not seen clearly over the years and even hypertension is referred to as the 'silent killer' is a disease that kills it quietly. Therefore everyone is expected to be more concerned with their health and conduct routine checks her blood pressure.


What is the Definition of Disease Hypertension?

The definition of hypertension or known most people with high blood pressure disease name is a disease in which the blood in the body fluids meneka n artery walls with a very strong up until the cause of health problems in humans like heart disease to stroke affected. High or low blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood the heart pumps and the amount of blood flow in the artery resistance. Is said to increase blood pressure when the heart pumped blood in large amounts, causing arterial pressure. In addition, age is also one of the factors that trigger the onset of hypertension.

Several factors influence the disease include hypertension, smoking habits, family health history, age, obesity, physical activity and also because of alcohol. If late known as factor and also these symptoms occur it will cause other health problems in organs such as the kidneys, heart and even can cause peyakit stroke.

What are the Early Symptoms of Hypertension Disease?
Sometimes most people are unaware if their blood pressure is high, although it can harm their health. But by naked eye symptoms caused by disease of hypertension is less visible. Besides the symptoms also vary from each individual. But you need to be vigilant if you experience them.

Hypertension Disease Characteristics
According to the website Boldsky there are some symptoms of hypertension that arises, so that someone could identify hypertensive disease before the disease becomes more severe. Some of them are as follows:

1.) Head Feels Pain
More serious symptoms are mild hypertension daripenyakit headache with frequent tempo and continuously, it could be a symptom of this meruoakan melonjal blood pressure rises. Because these headaches are not usually felt in mild hypertension. You can get headache if blood pressure is above 180/110 mmHg.

2.) Nosebleed
In the early stages of hypertension nosebleeds also become one of the main signs appear. If it turns out you have a history of high blood pressure later appeared difficult nosebleed stopped immediately consult a doctor and do consulting.

3.) Nausea and Vomiting
Although the symptoms of nausea and vomiting are common symptoms that occur in most hypertensive disease but the disease symptoms of nausea and vomiting is a bit different because of hypertension or high blood pressure, nausea and muntath is accompanied by the view becomes blurred and also breath with short tempo ,
4.) Numb
Increased blood pressure hypertension akbiat cause numbness or tingling that may be early signs of stroke. If hypertension can not be controlled then it will result in nerve damage that these symptoms appear.

5.) The point of blood in the eye
When you see there is a drop of blood on the eyeball, you need to be vigilant because it could be the blood point merupkaan blood clots that occur due to hypertension. Before you eliminate the bitter end to try to ask the doctor checked your blood pressure.

6.) Feeling Dizzy
Vertigo and a feeling of lightness in the head accompanied by a feeling of dizziness also may be a symptom of hypertension. If it appears suddenly signs like these should never be ignored because if feeling dizzy and also vertigi coupled with difficulty walking and can pass out is an early stage symptoms of a stroke.

However, everyone must be more vigilant and do not wait for symptoms to appear, because hypertension is a dangerous disease that needs to be watched earlier. In addition please note also that people affected by hypertension in Indonesia reached 31.7%, which means from 3 ordinary people, one person has hypertension, and 76.1% of patients with hypertension do not know that he suffered ill treatment of hypertension that is rather late to do.

Above the Disease Symptoms of Hypertension. Although hypertension is one of the main dangerous disease but the disease can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle such as eating foods low in salt, increase the consumption of vegetables and fruit, reducing processed foods and intelligently choosing the right foods, in addition to keep in shape by exercising regularly also be one of the main important thing to do. Good information about the characteristics of the early symptoms of a sick person with hypertension is beneficial.

What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?

What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?

What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?

Asthma for some infected might not be too disturbing because it appears only occasionally, but others complained of severe shortness could arise only because light physical activity. Only a medical point of view, asthma is not a disease that can be cured,
but can only be controlled.

That is why there is no harm for people with asthma to seek solutions asthma herbal remedies that can help relieve and eliminate the symptoms of asthma. When the medical way deemed impossible, then the asthma herbal medicine could be an alternative way of addressing your complaint.

However not easy to live with asthma. You may be forced discouraged to do a lot of physical activity, due to fatigue alone can make an asthma attack. Sometimes asthma can also recur simply because you are in an environment with air that is unhealthy and dirty.

When you begin to saturate to continue to restrict themselves for being with asthma, maybe here you will find a solution to overcome asthma to completely and prevent relapse.

Understanding Asthma Better
Asthma is a condition when it appears a lot of thick mucus in the respiratory tract area, which in turn makes breathing can not walk normally. The breath becomes short of breath and sometimes accompanied by the sound of shortness of breath which appear due to air friction with the walls of the throat mucus-covered.

Basically asthma is a kind of disorder that is frequently congenital disease. At least 40% of cases, patients with asthma apparently also comes from parents who live with asthma. Although many patients with asthma who do not have a family background of asthma.

Mucus is a major problem that most people with asthma are the body's protective reaction to the emergence of foreign objects. That is why, in fact cases of asthma is closely associated with allergy problems. For example, when the body begins to feel the air is not clean, then gradually emerged mucus to coat the windpipe. It is a kind of a reaction of the body to protect the throat from itching and hot because the air is dirty.

Every allergy originated from the abnormal situation of the immune system or immunity. In abnormal circumstances, immunity to form a kind of overload protection program for a stimulation that is not dangerous.

There are many factors driving the immunity did not work properly, for example when depressed or stressed, too tired, unhealthy eating patterns, and cold air is sometimes excessive or excessively dirty.

Healing with Medicinal Herbs Asthma Asthma

Therefore if you want to be able to overcome asthma to complete, then the first thing that needs to be your concern is to restore the condition of the immune system. There are many simple ways to be able to restore normal immune conditions, among others, by:

 - Restoring normal sleeping hours to the time
Sometimes those who often stay up all night, flipping hours of sleep, or even experience a lack of sleep will have serious problems with their immunity. Immunity to deteriorate until they become insensitive to attacks from the outside or even become hyper sensitive to attacks from outside.

 - Avoid fatigue and working overtime
Constantly working overtime, excessive work pressure, or physical activity that is too strenuous conditions of thyroid hormone can cause you to work too hard to finally cause hormonal problems worse. The result is certain immunity you will get a bad impact.

 - Make eating fruit
One of the main arms of immunity are multivitamin. When the body does not terasup enough vitamins, especially vitamin C, B and A, the body's ability to produce immunity as needed would be problematic. But overdo it with vitamin C can also trigger allergies, so it is recommended vitamin intake in portions wise and in accordance with the needs of the body.

 - Avoid stress
Most allergy problem actually originated from problems of pressure and nervous tension. Stress will disrupt the pituitary gland in producing gland that regulates the production of thyroid hormones. Though the thyroid hormone is essential for maintaining the production quality of your body's immunity.

 - Consumption of salt
Although salt is too much to be harmful to blood pressure and cause sediment in the blood, but life without salt would also disrupt the condition of immunity. So should still wise to prioritize the consumption of salt and the iodine content of salt intake. Iodine is this raw material for making thyroid hormone served as production manager of immunity.

However, if the above simple therapy was also able to help you resolve complaints of asthma, then you can try out prescription asthma herbal potions following: 2 medium-size ripe noni fruit was, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon of honey.

 - Clean the noni fruit from the seeds and cut into small squares
 - Mix with lemon juice and blend until smooth
 - Add the honey and drink immediately.
 - Make this herb every day one to two times a day until at least 4 days for optimal results.

Kids Can completely cured of asthma

Kids Can completely cured of asthma

Sometimes small children who had experienced symptoms of asthma seems to now has never recurred. But apparently what happened to him is not asthma, but health problems while on lung function whose symptoms resembling asthma. Now the question is, whether a child is actually suffering from asthma can be cured?

Most children over the age of 5 or 6 years old who have symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing and shortness of breath, is considered to have had asthma and they will probably have it for life. But for half of them, as if lost asthma symptoms during adolescence.

Although it was not clear why it could happen, but there is the possibility of allergens that can trigger a relapse once no longer trigger. What is clear, the child still have asthma even if symptoms do not recur.

When Asthma Symptoms As Disappear

If a child seems to be free of symptoms for a long period of time, it is called a remission of asthma. Remission period is usually characterized by:

 - Free from symptoms of cough, wheezing, chest tightness or breath longer than usual.
 - Physically active but without a relapse and did not require medication.
 - Exposure to a common cold or allergy triggers but does not arise signs of asthma.
 - Dose or need for medication to relieve symptoms of asthma is reduced.

Although it seems already recovered, there remains the possibility of asthma symptoms recur. Sometimes these re-emerge in adulthood, and can be triggered by different triggers than ever in childhood. Approximately half of children with asthma who entered a period of re-experiencing symptoms of asthma remission when reaching the age of 30 or 40.

Sometimes people with asthma never entered a period of remission. Your child likely to relapse in all his life, if he has the factors below:

 - One or both parents who are also asthmatics
 - Affected eczema
 - Sensitive to airborne allergens (pollen, grass, weeds, mold, or dust mites)
 - Allergies to foods (milk, eggs, or nuts)
 - Frequent sneezing when it is not being cold or flu.
 - Excess amounts of one type of white blood cell.

Recurrence Control Your Asthma!

"Unfortunately we can not change the natural process of asthma, but we can control it very well", this was said by Joyce C. Rabbat, an assistant professor at Loyola University Medical Center's Division of Allergy and Immunology.

Help your child to make good planning with your doctor and the right treatment. It can begin by avoiding asthma triggers by following various suggestions in this article. Walaupan asthma can not be completely cured, your child can still enjoy a satisfying life without having to worry about their asthma symptoms get worse.

See Also :
 • Types of Asthma You Need To Know!
 • What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?

Types of Asthma You Need To Know!

Types of Asthma

Types of Asthma

Do you know what are the types of asthma? Deepening the understanding of asthma can help your doctor to determine the specific type of asthma. That way, you can work with doctors in an effort to seek the best treatment for you.

Asthma caused by allergies
Asthma and allergies are two things that are often side by side. Allergic rhinitis (also called hay fever) is an inflammation on the inside of the nose and is the most significant cause of chronic allergic diseases.

If allergies rhintitis, your body will increase the sensitivity to various substances that the immune system to release histamine in response. Histamine, along with other chemical substances that are released, triggering an allergic reaction. Substance allergens (triggers reactions) are most numerous in the air and easily inhaled.

When attacked rhintitis allergy, you are likely to sneeze constantly, runny nose, nasal passages swell, mucus (phlegm) excess, watery eyes, and itching in the throat. Often the symptoms of asthma triggered by allergies rhintitis. In an attempt to treat it, your doctor may prescribe medications to control allergic reactions so that the accompanying symptoms of asthma can be prevented.

Asthma is caused by Sport
Many people with asthma experience a number of symptoms of asthma during physical activity. If you have this kind of asthma, respiratory tract will be narrowed for 5-20 minutes after starting exercise, cause you can not breathe. Other asthma symptoms may also accompany, such as wheezing and coughing sounds. To prevent recurrence during exercise or other physical activity, doctors usually recommend that you use the inhaler before starting to exercise.

Asthma with Cough Symptoms
Asthma that you experience may be dominated by cough symptoms varies. Severe cough may also be caused by chronic rhintitis, sinusitis, or GERD (heartburn).

Asthma is dominated by coughing is often overlooked and lack of care. Trigger type of asthma is usually associated with respiratory infections. If you encounter a stubborn cough, consult with a physician. Your doctor may run a number of specific tests, such as lung function tests, to see how well your lungs.

Recurrence of asthma in the Night
This type of asthma, which is also known as nocturnal asthma, is one of the most common types. Sufferers often experience asthma symptoms while sleeping, because asthma is strongly influenced by cycles or stages of sleep.
In fact, many studies show that deaths from asthma is often caused by asthma relapse at night. Is believed this may be due to increased exposure to allergens through breathing, lying position, or hormonal changes during your sleep. Sometimes heartburn at night contribute to relapse.

If you are a penderitan certain types of asthma and aware that symptoms are getting worse, do not delay again to visit the doctor and find out what causes it. Understanding the appropriate treatment and know when to seek help is the key in preventing an asthma attack and get a good sleep quality.

See Also :
 • Kids Can completely cured of asthma
 • What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?