What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?

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What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?

What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?

Asthma for some infected might not be too disturbing because it appears only occasionally, but others complained of severe shortness could arise only because light physical activity. Only a medical point of view, asthma is not a disease that can be cured,
but can only be controlled.

That is why there is no harm for people with asthma to seek solutions asthma herbal remedies that can help relieve and eliminate the symptoms of asthma. When the medical way deemed impossible, then the asthma herbal medicine could be an alternative way of addressing your complaint.

However not easy to live with asthma. You may be forced discouraged to do a lot of physical activity, due to fatigue alone can make an asthma attack. Sometimes asthma can also recur simply because you are in an environment with air that is unhealthy and dirty.

When you begin to saturate to continue to restrict themselves for being with asthma, maybe here you will find a solution to overcome asthma to completely and prevent relapse.

Understanding Asthma Better
Asthma is a condition when it appears a lot of thick mucus in the respiratory tract area, which in turn makes breathing can not walk normally. The breath becomes short of breath and sometimes accompanied by the sound of shortness of breath which appear due to air friction with the walls of the throat mucus-covered.

Basically asthma is a kind of disorder that is frequently congenital disease. At least 40% of cases, patients with asthma apparently also comes from parents who live with asthma. Although many patients with asthma who do not have a family background of asthma.

Mucus is a major problem that most people with asthma are the body's protective reaction to the emergence of foreign objects. That is why, in fact cases of asthma is closely associated with allergy problems. For example, when the body begins to feel the air is not clean, then gradually emerged mucus to coat the windpipe. It is a kind of a reaction of the body to protect the throat from itching and hot because the air is dirty.

Every allergy originated from the abnormal situation of the immune system or immunity. In abnormal circumstances, immunity to form a kind of overload protection program for a stimulation that is not dangerous.

There are many factors driving the immunity did not work properly, for example when depressed or stressed, too tired, unhealthy eating patterns, and cold air is sometimes excessive or excessively dirty.

Healing with Medicinal Herbs Asthma Asthma

Therefore if you want to be able to overcome asthma to complete, then the first thing that needs to be your concern is to restore the condition of the immune system. There are many simple ways to be able to restore normal immune conditions, among others, by:

 - Restoring normal sleeping hours to the time
Sometimes those who often stay up all night, flipping hours of sleep, or even experience a lack of sleep will have serious problems with their immunity. Immunity to deteriorate until they become insensitive to attacks from the outside or even become hyper sensitive to attacks from outside.

 - Avoid fatigue and working overtime
Constantly working overtime, excessive work pressure, or physical activity that is too strenuous conditions of thyroid hormone can cause you to work too hard to finally cause hormonal problems worse. The result is certain immunity you will get a bad impact.

 - Make eating fruit
One of the main arms of immunity are multivitamin. When the body does not terasup enough vitamins, especially vitamin C, B and A, the body's ability to produce immunity as needed would be problematic. But overdo it with vitamin C can also trigger allergies, so it is recommended vitamin intake in portions wise and in accordance with the needs of the body.

 - Avoid stress
Most allergy problem actually originated from problems of pressure and nervous tension. Stress will disrupt the pituitary gland in producing gland that regulates the production of thyroid hormones. Though the thyroid hormone is essential for maintaining the production quality of your body's immunity.

 - Consumption of salt
Although salt is too much to be harmful to blood pressure and cause sediment in the blood, but life without salt would also disrupt the condition of immunity. So should still wise to prioritize the consumption of salt and the iodine content of salt intake. Iodine is this raw material for making thyroid hormone served as production manager of immunity.

However, if the above simple therapy was also able to help you resolve complaints of asthma, then you can try out prescription asthma herbal potions following: 2 medium-size ripe noni fruit was, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon of honey.

 - Clean the noni fruit from the seeds and cut into small squares
 - Mix with lemon juice and blend until smooth
 - Add the honey and drink immediately.
 - Make this herb every day one to two times a day until at least 4 days for optimal results.

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