Types of Asthma You Need To Know!
Do you know what are the types of asthma? Deepening the understanding of asthma can help your doctor to determine the specific type of asthma. That way, you can work with doctors in an effort to seek the best treatment for you.
• Asthma caused by allergies
Asthma and allergies are two things that are often side by side. Allergic rhinitis (also called hay fever) is an inflammation on the inside of the nose and is the most significant cause of chronic allergic diseases.
Asthma and allergies are two things that are often side by side. Allergic rhinitis (also called hay fever) is an inflammation on the inside of the nose and is the most significant cause of chronic allergic diseases.
If allergies rhintitis, your body will increase the sensitivity to various substances that the immune system to release histamine in response. Histamine, along with other chemical substances that are released, triggering an allergic reaction. Substance allergens (triggers reactions) are most numerous in the air and easily inhaled.
When attacked rhintitis allergy, you are likely to sneeze constantly, runny nose, nasal passages swell, mucus (phlegm) excess, watery eyes, and itching in the throat. Often the symptoms of asthma triggered by allergies rhintitis. In an attempt to treat it, your doctor may prescribe medications to control allergic reactions so that the accompanying symptoms of asthma can be prevented.
• Asthma is caused by Sport
Many people with asthma experience a number of symptoms of asthma during physical activity. If you have this kind of asthma, respiratory tract will be narrowed for 5-20 minutes after starting exercise, cause you can not breathe. Other asthma symptoms may also accompany, such as wheezing and coughing sounds. To prevent recurrence during exercise or other physical activity, doctors usually recommend that you use the inhaler before starting to exercise.
Many people with asthma experience a number of symptoms of asthma during physical activity. If you have this kind of asthma, respiratory tract will be narrowed for 5-20 minutes after starting exercise, cause you can not breathe. Other asthma symptoms may also accompany, such as wheezing and coughing sounds. To prevent recurrence during exercise or other physical activity, doctors usually recommend that you use the inhaler before starting to exercise.
• Asthma with Cough Symptoms
Asthma that you experience may be dominated by cough symptoms varies. Severe cough may also be caused by chronic rhintitis, sinusitis, or GERD (heartburn).
Asthma that you experience may be dominated by cough symptoms varies. Severe cough may also be caused by chronic rhintitis, sinusitis, or GERD (heartburn).
Asthma is dominated by coughing is often overlooked and lack of care. Trigger type of asthma is usually associated with respiratory infections. If you encounter a stubborn cough, consult with a physician. Your doctor may run a number of specific tests, such as lung function tests, to see how well your lungs.
• Recurrence of asthma in the Night
This type of asthma, which is also known as nocturnal asthma, is one of the most common types. Sufferers often experience asthma symptoms while sleeping, because asthma is strongly influenced by cycles or stages of sleep.
This type of asthma, which is also known as nocturnal asthma, is one of the most common types. Sufferers often experience asthma symptoms while sleeping, because asthma is strongly influenced by cycles or stages of sleep.
In fact, many studies show that deaths from asthma is often caused by asthma relapse at night. Is believed this may be due to increased exposure to allergens through breathing, lying position, or hormonal changes during your sleep. Sometimes heartburn at night contribute to relapse.
If you are a penderitan certain types of asthma and aware that symptoms are getting worse, do not delay again to visit the doctor and find out what causes it. Understanding the appropriate treatment and know when to seek help is the key in preventing an asthma attack and get a good sleep quality.
See Also :
• Kids Can completely cured of asthma
• What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?
See Also :
• Kids Can completely cured of asthma
• What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?