Kids Can completely cured of asthma

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Kids Can completely cured of asthma

Sometimes small children who had experienced symptoms of asthma seems to now has never recurred. But apparently what happened to him is not asthma, but health problems while on lung function whose symptoms resembling asthma. Now the question is, whether a child is actually suffering from asthma can be cured?

Most children over the age of 5 or 6 years old who have symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing and shortness of breath, is considered to have had asthma and they will probably have it for life. But for half of them, as if lost asthma symptoms during adolescence.

Although it was not clear why it could happen, but there is the possibility of allergens that can trigger a relapse once no longer trigger. What is clear, the child still have asthma even if symptoms do not recur.

When Asthma Symptoms As Disappear

If a child seems to be free of symptoms for a long period of time, it is called a remission of asthma. Remission period is usually characterized by:

 - Free from symptoms of cough, wheezing, chest tightness or breath longer than usual.
 - Physically active but without a relapse and did not require medication.
 - Exposure to a common cold or allergy triggers but does not arise signs of asthma.
 - Dose or need for medication to relieve symptoms of asthma is reduced.

Although it seems already recovered, there remains the possibility of asthma symptoms recur. Sometimes these re-emerge in adulthood, and can be triggered by different triggers than ever in childhood. Approximately half of children with asthma who entered a period of re-experiencing symptoms of asthma remission when reaching the age of 30 or 40.

Sometimes people with asthma never entered a period of remission. Your child likely to relapse in all his life, if he has the factors below:

 - One or both parents who are also asthmatics
 - Affected eczema
 - Sensitive to airborne allergens (pollen, grass, weeds, mold, or dust mites)
 - Allergies to foods (milk, eggs, or nuts)
 - Frequent sneezing when it is not being cold or flu.
 - Excess amounts of one type of white blood cell.

Recurrence Control Your Asthma!

"Unfortunately we can not change the natural process of asthma, but we can control it very well", this was said by Joyce C. Rabbat, an assistant professor at Loyola University Medical Center's Division of Allergy and Immunology.

Help your child to make good planning with your doctor and the right treatment. It can begin by avoiding asthma triggers by following various suggestions in this article. Walaupan asthma can not be completely cured, your child can still enjoy a satisfying life without having to worry about their asthma symptoms get worse.

See Also :
 • Types of Asthma You Need To Know!
 • What is the Best Asthma Herbal Medicine?

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