The natural way to whiten the face skin

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The natural way to whiten the face skin - How Traditional or herbal still be an option for many people to be used as a treatment option for the treatment or care of the body including the skin in order to look healthy. Natural or traditional ways are still chosen because of risk experienced when using traditional means less compared to using products that are mixed with chemicals of unknown composition therein. Therefore this time healthy daily will give you some tips on how to whiten skin naturally.

The natural way to whiten the face skin
The natural way to whiten the face skin
The natural way to whiten the face skin 

Have white skin and clean of course can increase the confidence of everyone, moreover, has a white face and clean can be the perception that the person has a healthy skin. Facial skin health is still an important concern for most people both men and women because of course everyone wants to look at faces white and clean.

In order to have white skin and also face clean of course, must be treated fairly routine, good and true given the outcome was not in vain to create new looks cleaner and healthier. Below are some natural ways that you can do to perform maintenance on your skin:

1. The first way that can be used as an alternative to whiten the face naturally is to use tea, honey, and rice flour. Now from this type of material has the properties of each of them rice flour which will be used as a scrub that make skin soft, good for moisturizing honey and tea as well as a material that serves to relax the face.

Manner of manufacture is also very easy as quoted from First make a cup of tea that is not too thick and let it cool down by itself, next step to prepare the rice flour is about 2 tablespoons and 1/2 tablespoon of honey. After that, then all the ingredients and stir until well mixed leaves no clumps of flour. Then use the face by applying for 20 minutes. While waiting for about 20 minutes with a mask attached to massage the face with circular movements and gentle. If it has been 20 minutes and then wash the skin with water.

2. The second way is by using natural materials using papaya. For facial skin looks bright white and clean it can also use the papaya fruit. Of course, the use of papaya has a good benefit for the body and skin. Compared with the use of chemicals of course better to use traditional means such as papaya. This recommendation we got from blog that provides recommendations papaya as a natural ingredient for treating facial kuam and also black.

How to use is also very easy that is by regularly consuming papaya fruit every day. Portion does not have much, could consume half of a medium-sized papaya, papaya fruit is eaten every day in the morning. By consuming papaya every day then it helps detoxify the body while also aid digestion. So that by consuming papaya then the blood will be clean and the skin will appear healthier.

3. The third way can take advantage of turmeric and tomatoes as well as natural ingredients to whiten skin using natural ingredients. Turmeric is a natural substance that has long been believed to have a nutrient content is good for the health of both the body and the skin. Even at the first time of turmeric is consumed directly by women. While the tomatoes because it has a water content that is pretty much chosen and used as material for facial skin care because it is considered safer and of course natural that can be used everyday.

Usage ways: First, prepare turmeric measuring about 1 centimeter then washed with water and then grated turmeric until smooth. After grated turmeric grated result is left somewhat dry for 5 minutes. Then use 1 tomato that has a large enough size and blender without added water. Once the tomatoes in a blender and mix the two ingredients and mix well before.
Use this mixture to the face mask to rub evenly. Olesannya can also be a bit thicker so many are absorbed into the skin. Let the smear is fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, wipe it clean with warm water.

4. The fourth way is to use a material that is slightly different but still uses natural ingredients to whiten the face of such materials is the lemon peel and orange peel. Perhaps many have heard about the efficacy of orange peel to repel mosquitoes, now in addition to repel mosquitoes peel from citrus fruits and even other fruits have many benefits which can of course be dimanfatkan particular orange peel and lemon peel is also useful to make face to be brighter ,
Manufacture blend of natural ingredients that are very easy digunakanpun first thing to do is to grate the orange peel and lemon peel until smooth. Then dried for 2 hours by using sunlight. is not recommended to use the microwave, because drying results by using sunlight and microwave are very different.

Once dried using sunlight then mix the powdered orange peel or lemon dry with pure milk liquid, and then rubbed on the face until evenly distributed. Wait about 20 minutes later after 20 minutes could directly be cleaned using warm water. Then dry with a soft towel and wipe the face with toner.

5. Apart from the above there is also a fourth way how to whiten the face using other natural materials, namely by using jicama. The yam mask has been trusted by generations can brighten the skin. This is evidenced by the number of bleach production using basic ingredients yam. In addition, by using the native jicama very efficacious whitening face and also harmless.

Ways of making masks was very easy yam, yam prepare the first course that has been peeled and been washed clean, then grated yam and then squeezed the water. Here that will be used is the water so that the waste is disposed. The juice can be placed in a container such as a glass or other container that is clear. The yam and then let stand about 30 minutes so it will appear to have sediment at the bottom of the container. In the clear water above the sediment was discarded and leaving the white bottom.

After that clean the face, apply a white precipitate had on the face and neck to be evenly using a brush mask, and let stand until dry. Usually dengen use bengukuang on this face will feel fresh sensation. If the mask is applied to the face had already dried up in the face of subsequent wash with cold water and then dry your face with a towel. This treatment can be done in one week at the time of the face may feel tired after doing various activities.

Good luck hopefully article how to whiten skin naturally using traditional herbal ingredients and beneficial.

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